Modernizing Government into a Digital Government in Kenya

Government of Kenya as part of ICT modernization strategy required a strategy and operationalizing mechanism for modernizing internal government ICT into a digital Government.
In order to deliver on all outcomes for a digital government, using the technology internally for government operations is the best place to start. Immediate benefits can be realized by having optimized local datacenters for reliability and reduced costs, a cloud-based infrastructure for flexibility and efficiencies and a unified communications and collaboration system for daily operations.
Feasibility of a digital government was required to be carried out
Greatsands and Ministry of ICT collaborated in first outlining the status of current status quo of digital government processes and examining the gaps and opportunities of an ICT enabled digital government.
Based on the outcome of deep diagnostics solutions architecture comprising of various technological solutions architecture was developed along with operationalization model and developing financial model for such a massive government transformation with well laid implementation steps
Various cross cutting initiatives under government modernization programme consolidated under an umbrella framework for implementing digital government
Access to development partners based on the roadmap and implementation of digital government underway in consolidating data centers, implementing cutting edge cloud-enabled infrastructure that reduces overall TCO for the Government