Realigning growth by developing a new-age enterprise business for a leading Telcom in East Africa

The client is a leading Telkom player in East Africa and provides the carrier and mobile business and has an enterprise division catering to B2B segment.
Telco aspired to develop and expand its enterprise services division to radically build new products and services portfolio and transform into a cutting edge solutions provider for enterprise business with a predominant focus on government sector
Greatsands and the Telco developed a new enterprise business model largely focused on public sector as a key segment given the significant strengths that enjoyed in the government space.
The technology roadmap for new business model was benchmarked and a degree of fitment based on the country context was applied
The technology products and solutions stack included a complete managed services model and a cloud enabled infrastructure which can be taken to market along with a financial model
Tellco’s enterprise strategy is embedded as part of the telco transformation and the first phase of the implementation is under way