Strategy for setting up electronics manufacturing for Government of Uganda

The Government of Uganda under the leadership of Ministry of ICT has embarked on a vision of setting up of indigenous assembly & manufacturing of electronic components in Uganda by the Government to promote local development & developing ICT eco-system
Greatsands working closely with the MOICT leadership carried out all extraneous factors impacting a electronics manufacturing set up and covered range of aspects including policies, legislative norms, market access, skills, technology prowess and competitive landscape
With empirical data derived from multiple factors helped Greatsands to deduce potential demand and realistic demand for this project of national importance
Benchmarked data from other emerging economies gave clues for right-sized fitment on technology , product-market fitment and a phased implementation roadmap with financial model for implementation was developed
The government has a detailed analysis for setting up electronics manufacturing in Uganda and has well defined roadmap along with options for consideration and the choice of technology partners required to make the project a success.
Laying foundation for national skills building and reliance through ICT is a key pillar in national agenda and Ministry of ICT and National guidance have required framework for execution