Digital Delivery & Modernizing ICT for Kenya National Hospital Insurance Fund

National Hospital Insurance Fund Kenya
currently runs various hospital schemes for the citizens of the country as part of the universal health coverage mandate of the government
Integrating ICT covering members, patients, hospitals into a comprehensive digital delivery framework is required to ensure the coverage is extended and delivered at reduced operating costs.
NHIF wanted a comprehensive ICT review and develop digital transformation strategy and roadmap for implementation and suggest operational processes modernization through technology
Greatsands NHIF went to the drawing board to map out all the key stakeholders Members, Hospitals, and Patients and deconstructed the entire business model by identifying process by process gap analysis that are currently served and underserved by technology
Based on the insights from the deep dive insights, Greatsands research team benchmarked national health fund digital automation to draw up a 5 year road map for implementation.
Alongside the technology , operating model, capacity building and clear implementation framework was designed
The target state IT has given NHIF a directional map for ICT modernization – which requires a agile IT to scale up to meet business needs.
The micro-plan with specific initiatives has helped NHIF to chunk-size the overall digital transformation journey into manageable bits and have commenced on the phase 1 of the implementation